by Joshua Bland
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.” American church culture has often interpreted the process of going as primary in the Great Commission, found Matthew 28:19-20 (NASB). While this is not a bad thing, we perhaps have missed part of the original meaning: the Greek word here rendered “go” is not a command, but a participle. By shifting our emphasis to the sole command to disciple, we are actually afforded a greater amount of freedom to be the witness of Christ in the world.
Think of it this way: it takes time to prepare for international missions. To pack up one's life and move to another people group for the purpose of sharing the news of Jesus Christ is a large commitment of time. Mind you, this is a noble cause. But it is not the only mission field which is available to us. It also takes time to go to school, to work 40 hours a week, to shop at Walmart or Kroger, and to survive the daily grind. This may not sound nearly as glorious as moving to an exotic land for the Gospel, but there is the same need and hunger for the Gospel in these situations as there is elsewhere.
How then do we live the Great Commission? A more literal interpretation of this command is: “As you are going, make disciples.” Have you seen the beautiful freedom afforded here? As you go to work, make disciples. As you shop for groceries, make disciples. As you study for school or spend time with your family, make disciples. The command to make disciples is supplemented by the phrases regarding baptizing and teaching. Baptism serves as a visible symbol of new life in Christ, and teaching means that the journey does not end here. Once someone chooses Christ, we as disciples have the commitment to continue helping that person to grow. Given the exact same situation, you and I may make disciples differently because we are different people.
You have gifts which I lack; the reverse may also be true. This flexibility allowed by the Great Commission seems to foreshadow the announcement made by Paul: “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. And there are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (1 Corinthians 12:4-7, NASB). Because we are different and have been differently gifted, we are able to disciple in different ways.
Despite our differences, our goal must be the same; ours is the message of the cross, that salvation is only available through Jesus Christ. As announced by Christ, “No man comes to the Father except through Me.” While I write these few thoughts online, you may be verbally telling someone of what God has done in Christ to demonstrate His love for them. Or perhaps you are showing with your actions what it means to be a Christ follower. And God is using us both for His glory.